new NEW running shoes

5/10/2009 10:12:00 AM / Posted by [redacted] /

while i was in boston, i stopped by the niketown and bought myself a new pair of running shoes. it was long overdue and i was actually pretty excited about it. but later that day when my friend and i worked out in her parent's basement, my feet were sort of uncomfortable. as a matter of fact, after only running a mile and a half on the treadmill, i was semi-regretting spending the money.

the last few weeks i've been wearing my old running shoes and the new ones have been sitting pretty in the box:
i actually really thought they were comfortable when i tried them on. and i love the colors. but good news! i bought new ones. yay! and although i had full intention on just getting a refund and going to the runner's store at the time warner center, the niketown staff in manhattan were extremely helpful. and even though i felt way better about the recommendation they made to me, they made me even happier when they said i could keep returning the shoes until "i find the right one". awesome! so behold, my new shoes. i have a month to break them in before the corporate challenge in june. 

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